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        China Education TV Station, founded in 1986, is a subsidiary organization of the Ministry of Education. It is a national special television station that produces and broadcasts all kinds of television teaching and education programs. On October 1, 1988, the "China Education Television" started its broadcasting formally. In November 1988, the special satellite education channel CETV-2 was opened. After the year of 1990, China Education Television Station began to broadcast the television courses of China Agriculture Broadcasting and Television School and China LiaoYuan Broadcasting and Television School. The main content of CETV-1 is teaching a tutoring, education news, professional training, ethic education and art education programs, technology culture and continuous education programs. The content of CETV-2 is mainly television courses of the Central Broadcasting and Television University and Central Agriculture Broadcasting and Television School. The 35th Channel of Beijing CETV-BJ mainly broadcast the excellent programs of CETV1 and some self-produced synthetic education programs to Beijing audience. The satellite broadband multimedia transmission of China Education TV Station is formally opened on October 31, 2000 with the broadcasting ability of 8 channels of television, 8 channels of audio and more than 20 channels of IP data. Besides, the digital satellite transmission platform of China Education TV Station is connected with CERNET and formed a basic multifunctional modern distance-education platform.